
 If you are looking to make any change or improvement to your property (landscaping, building, fence, structure, deck, addition, exterior paint color, etc.), per our bylaws, you must submit an Environmental Review Board “ERB” request.  Please include all required information (contractor information, sketch, photos, color samples, etc.) in a timely manner, both in request below and per follow up or clarifications based on information submitted.  Any work cannot begin BEFORE official written approval is received.  The application can be submitted via the form below (including uploading of documents) or mailed in via paper application.

Architectural Change Request

    *Your phone number

    *Street Address (Where the construction will take place)

    Description of the proposed improvement, change, addition, or alteration

    Contractor Name:

    Contractor Address:

    Contractor Phone:

    File size limitation of each upload is 3MB. File types allowed: jpg, gif, png, or pdf. If the upload does not work for you, or you need to submit additional items, e-mail your documents as attachments in a regular e-mail to:

    I will attach:
    Catalog CutsSample(s)Drawing (Plans)Photos

    *Type your name as signature

    Prepare a sketch or written description of the proposed improvement, change, addition, or alteration in sufficient detail, so the Board can make a decision. Attach sketches, photos, etc. if necessary to provide adequate details.  

    For site sketch, include unit location and indicate where on the property the improvement is to be located.

    Include a color chip or material sample to show textures or color of change.

    If applicable, please include photo examples (current and proposed/exact renderings).